Monday, October 24, 2016

Spain: In Melilla the shrinking Jewish community fears the radicalization of its Muslim neighbors.

From Israel Hayom:
In the small autonomous Spanish city of Melilla, in northern Morocco, the shrinking Jewish community fears the radicalization of its Muslim neighbors. 
The city is becoming a magnet for Islamic State group operatives on their way to Europe. (...) 
In addition to the issues of education and livelihood, the Jewish community of Melilla shares a problem with many other Jewish communities around the world. Cohen speaks openly and boldly about anti-Semitism.  
"Lately, there has been a new phenomenon in which parents are afraid to send their children to the mixed high school, and we are seeing more and more children who are home-schooled after elementary school because of how they are treated as Jews," he says. David: "There is serious violence in the schools. They yell 'Heil Hitler' in class and they hit the Jewish kids just because they're Jewish. This was true in my day too, only it has become more violent and aggressive. "  
When David Cohen visits Israel, he wears a kippah, but in Melilla, he wears a hat instead.
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